homeschooling Michelle Burns homeschooling Michelle Burns

December Homeschooling Help

December can be a rough month to remain on task for homeschooling children and their teacher. Twinkling outdoor lights, indoor decorations, Christmas music, baking smells, extra sweets, along with holiday events and a longer list of things to do, makes this a distracted time of year.

When January rolls around, sometimes it can feel like December raced by in a blink. Schoolwork was left undone or not absorbed by your students. Perhaps in other years, the work was completed, but everyone believed they missed out on the joys of the season.

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organizing, homeschooling Michelle Burns organizing, homeschooling Michelle Burns

Crates for Containing Chaos

When we started homeschooling years ago, each student was assigned a part of a bookshelf and a small bin for their supplies. No matter what I did, that way of organizing did not work. Things would get messy very quickly, workbooks were routinely lost, and piles of papers in our schoolroom/dining room were a regular fixture. We needed a different way of operating.

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homeschooling, parenting Michelle Burns homeschooling, parenting Michelle Burns

Spinning Plates

Sometimes a circus has an act called “Plate spinners.” The performers take a thin stick, balance a glass bowl or plate on top, and spin the dinnerware to keep it aloft. The trick works by gyroscopic force, and it’s the same principle that keeps a toy top in motion. If the movement slows down too much, the plate comes off, and crashes to the ground.

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