parenting Michelle Burns parenting Michelle Burns

Kid of the Day

“No fair. You always pick!”
“Nu uh. You do.”
“That’s not true. You get your way every time!”
“Your choices are terrible.”
“Yours are the worst.”

If you’re the parent of two or more children, you might hear a similar dialogue from your darlings. Do interactions like this take place monthly in your home? Maybe weekly? Hourly? Every other minute?
“Kid of the Day” (KOTD) is a system to have in your parenting toolkit to help with sibling squabbles.

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homeschooling, parenting Michelle Burns homeschooling, parenting Michelle Burns

Duct Tape: A Mother’s Helper

Duct tape. That gray, sticky, loyal friend has been a favorite product of many since its invention during World War II. Created as an easy, waterproof way of sealing ammunition boxes, it quickly gained popularity after the war as a new product that could fix anything. There are countless stories of how this amazing tape has helped over the years, from duct work repair to saving the astronauts on the problem-ridden Apollo 13 flight.

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parenting, writing Michelle Burns parenting, writing Michelle Burns

Always Watching

I was sitting outside on our porch, reviewing a few more things for my book and working on my laptop.
My 7 year-old MC comes outside with notebook and her kit of markers."I'm going to join you,okay?" she said.
"Sure. There's room."

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homeschooling, parenting Michelle Burns homeschooling, parenting Michelle Burns

Spinning Plates

Sometimes a circus has an act called “Plate spinners.” The performers take a thin stick, balance a glass bowl or plate on top, and spin the dinnerware to keep it aloft. The trick works by gyroscopic force, and it’s the same principle that keeps a toy top in motion. If the movement slows down too much, the plate comes off, and crashes to the ground.

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